Be Careful What You Wish For…17th May 2021

May 17, 2021

How many of us were waiting for a little bit of water to freshen up our rivers and streams a few weeks back?

After near the near drought conditions at the beginning of the Trout season, we are now experiencing some really unsettled weather with heavy showers, hail storms and some spectacular thunder storms.

It really is a case of picking your way through the downpours to find any brief windows of settled weather or resigning yourself to a soaking and the potential of an unfishable river.


Understandably, not all clients are prepared to ‘roll the dice’ so there have been a few postponements recently but the broken weather can actually produce some great dry fly sport.

Those intermittent dry spells can spark a little hatch which in turn just might get the fish looking up so yesterday, I donned my waterproof cap and made for the more fishable of my ‘local’ rivers, the Derbyshire Wye.


Twice I was forced to seek the shelter of my opened car boot but when the sun came out again, my dry flies rose some beautiful wild brownies from the seemingly lifeless river.

“He who dares, Rodders…”

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