Not in my back yard!… 3rd November

November 3, 2017

As I pulled on my waders in the car park by the river Goyt today, I was struck by how many people were around. Over the last few years I’ve watched this area of New Mills get steadily busier as a housing estate was built just above the river. Those long summer afternoons spent picking my way up the river to the soundtrack of the builders singing along with ‘Steve Wright in the afternoon’ are a dim and distant memory.


Today, rows of neat little houses with perfectly manicured lawns overlook the river and the soundtrack is of babies crying as their mothers unload them and the weekly shop from the back of a 4 x 4.


Whilst pondering these changes I heard splash. Peaking through the fence I was just able to make out a black Labrador swimming through my intended pool.
My misery was further compounded when I got down to the river itself. This Urban sprawl has now made its way down onto the river bank in the shape of a bench and a newly planted shrubbery not 10ft from the river.


Now, don’t get me wrong …I’m all for people engaging with nature, as long as it doesn’t interfere with my fishing!


I was forced to head much further upstream than I’d planned but I was determined to fish especially after having to cancel yesterdays outing.


Now of course, it all seems worth the effort.

The view from the river
The Robin whisperer strikes again!

The days best!

A future monster

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